The CHL course will include Oregon/Utah/Arizona Concealed Handgun License permit states which will give the participant 44 state coverage to legally carry a handgun.
Rather for home protection or concealed carry, this is also a great course for those looking to purchase a firearm or wanting to become more familiar with personal protection with a firearm. This is a required course for Oregon residents to get your CHL.
Class room-This is a Non-shooting course,
No guns or Ammunition will be allowed into the classroom. But there will be a variety of handguns there to handle. The course gives students the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe handling and storage of firearms and ammunition in the home. This will include Oregon, Arizona and Utah concealed carry laws. Students will also learn about the NRA’s four rules for safe gun handling; primary causes of firearms accidents; and the benefits of becoming an active participant in shooting sports.
Overview of the Firearms Course also include:
•Handgun Safety Rules
•Handgun Parts and Operation
•Fundamentals of Shooting
•Safe Handling and Storage
•Justification of Force
•Prohibited Areas
•Weapon laws
•Administrative requirements
An Oregon and Utah CHL is currently valid in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Courses will be held in-person at the Juniper Art Guild the 1st Saturday of every month.
​​| February 8th 2025 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | $75 in district | $112.50 out of district |
| March 8th 2025 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | $75 in district | $112.50 out of district |
| April 12th 2025 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | $75 in district | $112.50 out of district |
| May 3rd 2025 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | $75 in district | $112.50 out of district |
Instructor Bio: Yonty Urrutia
After receiving the All American scholarship award in high school gymnastics, Yonty continued his sports career as a gymnast on the men’s gymnastics team at Indiana University. While attending college, Yonty worked as a gymnastics coach while studying sports medicine. His education led him into a long career as an advanced level gymnastics coach that continued for over 40 years and 9 years as a personal trainer.
After college, Yonty enlisted in the United States Army and was attached to the 162nd Air Defense unit where he became a training instructor in the "Stinger" Man portable air defense system (MANPADS). It was at this point Yonty realized his passion for training.
In 1985, after being transferred to an Oregon National Guard Unit attached to a combat support unit, Yonty continued to receive extensive training in surface-to-air defense missile systems, combat defense tactics training and mixed martials. For his continuing service and dedication to the armed forces, Yonty was promoted to the position of Squad Leader and received a medal for “Solider of the Year” as well as the US Army’s Commendation medal for “Outstanding" Soldier of the Year for his dedicated service as a training NCO, defense tactics instructor and air defense training instructor.
During his military career, Yonty enrolled in paramedic school where he served 20 years as an Oregon and Washington State paramedic, flight paramedic and Paramedic Field Training Officer (FTO).
In 1991, Yonty also established Heartbeat Medical & Safety LLC offering advanced medical and safety training courses to the public as well as to the commercial industry. His qualifications include 28 years as an American Heart Association certified training instructor in:
First aid
Blood borne pathogen
Basic life support for healthcare professionals
Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)
Pediatric trauma life support (PTLS)
Prehospital trauma life support (PHTLS)
In 1996, Yonty became a licensed private investigator and also received extensive training in executive protection. His Investigative experience includes 24 years as an Oregon and Washington State criminal/civil investigator, death investigator, and pathologist assistant with the Clark County Medical Examiner's office.
In 2016, Yonty with his team of colleagues established K1 Risk Management Services. Yonty also proudly served as an Oregon State deputy Sheriff.