Come cool off in the Prineville Pool!
Pool Schedule
Monday – Friday
Open Swim: 2PM – 4PM
Lap Swim: 9AM – 10AM | 12:00PM – 1:45PM | 6:30PM - 7:30PM (NO FRIDAY CLASS)
Water Aerobics: 12:00PM – 12:45PM | 6:30PM – 7:20PM (NO FRIDAY CLASS)
Party Rental 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Saturday – Sunday
Open Swim: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Lap Swim: 12:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Water Aerobics : 12:00PM – 12:45 PM
Party Rental 10AM - 12PM (SATURDAY ONLY) | 4:30PM - 6:30PM | 6:30PM - 8:30PM |
Lap swim- $5.00 In district* | $7.00 Out of district*
Open Swim- $5.00 In district* | $7.00 Out of district*
Water Aerobics- $5.00 In district* | $7.00 Out of district*
Family Swim- $15.00 In district* | $18.00 Out of district*
Kiddy Pool Only Use- $0.75 In district* | $1.00 Out of district*
Membership/Season Pass (Must be purchased at the main office)
Family Swim Pass** - $225.00 In district* | $282.00 Out of district*
Individual Swim Pass - $125.00 In district* | $157.00 Out of district*
Pool Party Pricing
2HR Block 1 - 25 swimmers $125 In district* | $157 Out of district*
2HR Block 26 - 50 swimmers $155 In district* | $194 Out of district
2HR Block 51 - 75 swimmers $185 In district* | $232 Out of district*
2HR Block with 76+ swimmers will need to contact Aquatics Coordinator.
* In district/Out of district- Based off the location of your PHYSICAL address. Out-of-district residents do not pay property taxes that support the district and as of April 1, 2022, will be charged an additional fee.
** Family Swim Passes cannot be used for anyone who is not immediate family.