Out-of-District Fee Policy: As of April 1, 2022 Crook County Parks and Recreation will be charging an out-of-district-fee. Residents
who live outside the boundary set for the CCPRD tax base are encouraged to participate in all facilities and programs. Out-of-district residents do not pay property taxes that support the district and will be charged an additional 50% for programs and facility passes. District residents, who support our services through property taxes, enjoy lower program costs. If you need help determining if you live inside the district boundaries, call us at (541) 447-1209.
We are currently working on a way for out-of-district residents to “opt-in” to the district boundary lines. Our Happy Healthy Hearts scholarship program may be an option for affordability.
Thank you for your understanding.
-Crook County Parks and Recreation District

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With 13 parks & 3 campgrounds, there’s plenty to do. We have everything you need to create priceless moments & memories.